KYWK 101: Why She Only Wants You For Sex, But Nothing More

I told him the truth that she only wanted him for sex and nothing else. His situation is something that some men struggle to understand. Some men have a hard to believing that a woman can just use them for sex. The reason why is because most men believe that a woman giving him sex is the ultimate sign that she likes you. But I’m here to tell you that this is the furthest thing from the truth.

A lot of women have multiple men in their lives but they all serve a different purpose. She could have a man who pays bills, a man who takes her on dates, a man who she just has sex with, and a man who she wants to be in a relationship with. And the crazy thing about it is she isn’t going to tell you what category you are in. She might not view you as a guy who is relationship material, but likes to have fun with you.

So remember kings, some women will only want you for sex but nothing more. While some men don’t have a problem with this, some are looking for more. Like I said above, women can have multiple men who all serve different purposes. So you need to pay attention to the category that she tries to put you in.