KYWK 101: Why Nice Guys Finish Last

I’m sure you guys have had your mother, aunts, cousins and other women in your family tell you the same thing as well. We see it all the time in movies and television when the nice guy chases after the woman and makes a fool of himself just to get with her. In the end, the guy would end up getting with and they live happily ever after.

But when you try to do that in real life, you get a very different outcome. For example, you could be the nice guy that’s always a gentleman, answer her text messages in a timely matter, answer every time she calls, open car doors, but she would tell you that she looks at you as a friend. I know that sounds very familiar to a lot of you as well as me too.

Then you learn while you are taking her on dates and spending money on her, there is a guy who isn’t doing none of these things for her but she is having sex with him. Then you always have to deal with the disrespect that comes with being a nice guy as well. You start to notice that she talks down to you along with her picking and choosing when she wants to deal with you. That’s why you guys should put yourself first before any women’s feelings.

So remember kings, being the nice guy is not the way to go when it comes to dealing with these women. If you want to be respected, you can’t be afraid to say what you want and do what you want.