KYWK 101: Why Chasing Women Guarantees Rejection

There is no mystery when a woman knows you are going to call and text her everyday. When a woman realizes this, she starts to pick and choose when she wants to respond to you. So when you realize this, you get upset but the only person you should be upset is yourself. A lot of men feel like they have to do more when a woman doesn’t respond, but that actually makes things worse.

For example, texting a woman good morning everyday is basically over pursuing. If you send that to her everyday, she is going to assume that you are doing that to every woman you deal with. When it comes to dealing with women, you want to do things that will make you stand out. The best way to stand out to her is to let a few days go by in between the times you reach out to her.

Men who are successful with women reach out only when they want to see her. He is going to call her up, set up a day and time to meet, and go from there. It sounds simple but it puts you in a great spot with women. Because you have programmed her to know that when you reach out, she knows you want to see her.

So remember kings, chasing after women will always guarantee rejection. Even if she is into you, eventually she will be turned off by you over pursuing so much. Like I said above, men who are successful with women only reach out to women when they want to see them. The same interactions you are having on the phone and through text messages are better when do this with her in person.