KYWK 101: When You Stop Caring, That’s When You See Results

The same could be said when you call her and she doesn’t pick up. While she out doing whatever, you are waiting for her to call you back. The key is that you can’t let yourself get so invested into whether or not she calls or texts you back. You really have to be indifferent about it all.

It’s a known fact that when you don’t care, women don’t function well. For example, some women love to let you know about the other men that are after her. She is doing this to see what type of reaction you give her. If you don’t pay attention to it, her interest level will start to rise.

Another example is when she sends you pictures of herself. If you’re not in a relationship with her, you need to assume that you aren’t the only one to receive that picture. Most men are going to tell her how good she looks, which is what she is looking for.

What you should do in this situation is nothing. By not responding, you best believe that she is going to call to see if you got the picture. When she asks if you got the picture, you tell her yes and give her a back handed compliment. Tell her that she looked pretty decent or you would’ve looked good as hell if your hair was like this. It might sound a little extreme, but trust me it’s worth it.

So remember kings, you can’t let yourself get too invested in what these women have going on. When she starts to notice that nothing bothers you, it will set you apart from the other men that she is dealing with. Once you are able to master not caring, you will love the results that will come with it.