KYWK 101: When She Says, Something Is Missing

Make no mistake about it, if your woman says this to you, it usually is a death sentence for the relationship. For whatever reason, she has lost attraction to you, which can happen in long term relationships and marriages. So there are two things that you can do in this situation. Either you let things play out, which won’t end well for your relationship.

The second thing you can do is try to figure out how did your relationship get to this point. Now what you don’t want to do is ask her how to fix the situation. The reason why you don’t ask her is because this didn’t just happen overnight. Odds are she has been feeling like this for a long time and finally decided to tell you about it. It’s your job as a man to figure out what went wrong. Sometimes in your quest of trying to figure out what happened, you might realize that ending the relationship might be the best thing.

So remember kings, it’s not a good thing when your woman tells you something is missing in the relationship. Majority of the time, this is a death sentence for the relationship. Like I said above, there are only two options that you have in this situation. It’s up to you figure out what is the best decision for you and your relationship.