KYWK 101: When She Says, Let’s Just Be Friends

The reason why women use phrases likely this is because they don’t want to hurt our feelings. Now there is a certain way you should respond if this happens to you. When a woman hits you with this phrase, you never agree to being friends with her. If she wants to end the relationship, that’s fine. But you never want to put yourself in friend zone because that’s exactly where she is going to put you.

For example, I remember my ex girlfriend hit me with this phrase when she was trying to end our relationship. She told me that the relationship wasn’t working out, but didn’t want to lose me as a friend. What was so crazy about this was we were good prior to this. There was no fighting or arguing for weeks then she hit me with the phrase.

At that time in my life, I didn’t know any better and proceeded to go on a rant about the things she didn’t do in the relationship. I basically blamed her for the downfall of our relationship. As you probably know, that didn’t help the situation at all. After I calmed down, I told her we could be friends, which was a mistake.

But what helped me out in this situation was I never tried to be her friend. I never called or text her throughout the breakup and moved on with my life. Ultimately, she would reach back out a few months later. So remember kings, when your woman says, let’s just be friends, she wants out of the relationship. I know it’s a tough pill to take but you can’t let this get you off your emotional center.

She is going to be watching to see how you react to what she just said. The best thing to do is understand that she wants out of the relationship but let her know that you can’t be friends. Once you have done that, you have to walk away from her and mean it.