KYWK 101: When She Lacks Enthusiasm For You

Those same men will start to panic and end up doing something they have no business doing. What you have to understand is that women go from hot to cold all the time. There will be times where you have done nothing wrong, but she will still be cold. Sometimes, an ex boyfriend or someone who was close to her might come back into the picture. And then there are the women who you try to take out on a date, but she gives you the runaround.

She might tell you she is busy at work or her schedule is full for the next couple of weeks. When a woman starts giving you excuses on why you can’t go out, just know that she lacks enthusiasm for you. The way you get around this is just take a step back from the situation and reach out 1 time per week. When you do this, it gives her the space to do what she wants and you don’t come off as needy.

This allows you to give the time you gave to her to someone else. Every 2 weeks, you should try to schedule a date. If you are met with resistance, ask again in another 2 weeks. If you get shot down again, don’t ask her again. If she wants you to hang out, she now has to make everything happen now.

So remember kings, don’t panic when a woman lacks enthusiasm for you. There can be a lot of reasons why this is happening but you shouldn’t care. Like I said above, go back to reaching out only 1 time a week. That way, you don’t come off as needy and it allows you to allocate the time you gave her to others. After a few weeks of this, she is either going to start reaching out again or another woman will take her place.