KYWK 101: What To Do If She Has A Boyfriend

Of course the top reason is that they really do have a boyfriend. But another reason a woman might say that to you is she might not be interested in you. So instead of outright telling you that and hurting your feelings, she might go that route. A woman might tell you she has a boyfriend just to see how you will react.

She is looking to see if you are going to get emotional and proceed to start acting crazy. That is a way for her to weed out the crazy guys that try to talk too her. For us men, there are some things you should be paying attention too if she does tell you she has a boyfriend. For example, if she has a boyfriend, there is a good chance that she is going to try to keep you as a friend.

Kings, you already know that if you are attracted to her, you never agree to be friends. You let her know from the beginning that she should get in touch with you if their relationship doesn’t work out. If she has any self respect, she will accept your decision.

But let’s say she starts to pursue you and starts having sex with you even though she is still in a relationship. By all means, take advantage of the situation, but also realize that she isn’t girlfriend material. Because if she is willing to cheat with you, she will definitely do the same thing with someone else.

So remember kings, women can have different reason on why they might tell you that they have a girlfriend. If she legit has one, you know to walk away from the situation but leave the door open just in case it doesn’t work out.