KYWK 101: Treat All Women The Same

A lot of men tend to treat a woman that he considers a 4 or 5 on the attractive scale worst than a woman who he thinks is a 9 or 10. A big reason why guys do that is because they don’t want to miss out on the chance to hookup with the 9 or 10.

The funny thing is, she already has plenty of guys that treat her like this. So why would she consider talking to you when you are like every other man in her life? Your job is to be different than the others, so treating her like she is a 4 or 5 would stand out to her because she used to guys treating like royalty.

You have to have the attitude that you are the prize not her. Trust and believe me when I say that she will pickup on this and will be intrigued. Now occasionally you might run into the insecure woman who just can’t handle the way you are treating her.

Due to her insecurities, she probably will stop talking to you and that’s fine. The reason why is because you want to weed out the weak minded women from the beginning. But once you able to start mastering this, you will start to she her interest become higher.

So remember kings, always treat all women the same. You will be surprised at how much of a difference you will be to compared to other men.