KYWK 101: Too Many Dates Soon Can Lead To Ghosting

When a woman interest is very high, she is will start to pursue you more. With that pursuit comes going on multiple dates. Even though she can be really into you, it’s your job as a man to make sure you aren’t going on too many dates. For starters, you should only take a woman out every other week. If it is up to her, she would want to go out every week.

But going every other week helps build anticipation for the next time she gets to see you. If she knows that she can’t just see you when she wants, she will cherish and appreciate the time you give her. It also shows her that you have other things going on in your life. If a woman realizes that you will take her out every week, she is going to question if you are dating any other women.

To be honest, you actions are showing that she is the only woman in your life if you consistently take her out every week. When a woman starts to question if she is the only one in your life, she will start to question why should she be with you but no one else wants to. So remember kings, don’t get caught up taking a woman out on too many dates.

Like I said above, you want to build sexual tension and anticipation for the next time you meet up with her. Going out with her every other week should be the minimum standard to go by. Too many dates won’t keep her interested, but it will definitely run her off eventually.