KYWK 101: Think Logically Before You Respond To Women

For example, one way a woman will try to test you is by bringing up other men. Some women will call or text you when they are with their so called male friends just to see what your reaction will be. This is where thinking logically before you respond comes into play. There are a lot of men who will lose their cool behind something like this.

This gets magnified even more when it’s a woman he really likes. When situations like this happen, you have to be nonchalant about it. Even if you find yourself getting real upset, you have to remember that she is just testing you. What you don’t want to do is come off as a guy who is insecure about other men being around.

Another example is you should never respond to a woman when you are emotional. When you emotionally respond to something a woman does, it’s not going to end well. In any courtship or relationship, always remember there can only be one emotional person. You just need to make sure that the one person is not you.

So remember kings. you need to always think logically when you respond to woman. Especially when it comes to dealing with a woman that you really like. Which is why you need to treat all women the same, so you won’t have this problem. When you show that nothing she does can bother you, her interest will go through the roof.