KYWK 101: The No Contact Rule

That will leave you with the decision to chase after her or walk away. The correct thing to do is to walk away from her but it’s a certain way you do it. This is where the no contact rule comes into place. For example, let’s say you want to get back with your ex girlfriend, but she only offers you friendship.

A lot of men will sign on for this because he fears that she might forget about him. What you should do is let her know that you don’t see her as a friend and that you want to be her lover. After that, you tell her that she can get in touch with you if she changes her mind about how she views you. Once you tell her that, you don’t call or text her anymore until she reaches out to you.

That’s what’s great about the no contact rule because you put the ball in her court. You have already told her how you feel, so you have to show her that you mean what you say. You also have to acknowledge the fact that you might not her from her again. If that’s the case, you just have to move on to the next one.

So remember kings, you want to go into no contact mode when a woman tries to change the terms of your relationship. Once you make the decision to go no contact, you have to stay firm and resist the urge to give in. At the end, she is either going to get back in touch with you or let another woman step in to her old spot. So either way you look at it, you come out on top.