KYWK 101: Staying Centered When Women Don’t Meet Your Expectations

Now there are times that you should go off, but you always need to explain why you are doing it. This can go for women who you dated, had sex with, or was in a relationship with. For example, I had a woman that I was dealing with for about 4 years. Towards the last year of us talking, she kept bring up the fact that she wanted us to be in a relationship.

I was honest with her the whole time, but she knew that I didn’t want to be in a relationship. Eventually she ended up ghosting me and getting a boyfriend. At the time, I was pissed off but not because she got a boyfriend. I was pissed off because I thought she could have at least let me know instead of ghosting me.

I went through different emotions about the whole thing because she didn’t meet my expectation I had for her. I had to understand and realize that even though I thought we were better than ghosting, she showed me that she feels different. So I never contacted her again and never looked back. A lot of men would try to confront the woman when this happen, but that would be the wrong move.

The best move if you find yourself in this situation is to do nothing at all. I know that it’s a tough pill to swallow, but you will become stronger emotionally. So remember kings, there are going to be times that women won’t meet your expectations. Never try to rationalize to yourself why she things happened the way they did. By being a centered man, nothing she does can ever diminish you.