KYWK 101: Stay Away From Trouble And Drama

For example, single men’s happiness will always be tested the most. The reason why is because of the number of women you can potentially deal with. It’s very important to pay attention to how the women in your life operate. If she is someone who always has drama going on, why would you want that in your life?

Eventually, she is going to bring that same trouble and drama to your front door, which is not good news for you. The last thing you need is for a woman to create and situation where someone can cause emotional or physical harm to you. For you guys that are in relationships, drama could come in many different directions.

It can come from your woman’s friends, family or it can come from her. Some women have friends and family members who love to keep up drama and cause trouble. Not only do you have to recognize this, you have to make sure your woman see this as well. Dealing with her friends and family is a delicate issue due to the fact that they are prominent people in her life.

But at the end of the day, you have to choose your peace of mind and happiness over everything. If your woman can’t understand that, she probably isn’t the one for you. So remember kings, always stay away from trouble and drama. You always want to have a clear peace of mind and your happiness should always be paramount. Like I said above, if any woman in your life can’t understand this, she probably doesn’t deserve to be around you.