KYWK 101: She Suddenly Stopped Contacting Me

When something like this happens, some women will tell you or some will just leave you wondering. In my experiences, the woman usually will let me know once I reach out to her. Once that happens, you should move on and don’t contact her again. Another reason why a woman can stop contacting you is if you becoming to needy.

When you are in the early stages of dating a woman, you want to have as much face to face interaction as you can. That means setting a definite date with her and then getting off the phone. A lot of times, men find themselves getting caught up with texting and talking on the phone all the time. While you doing all of that, she is getting information about you without even getting together for a date.

Another reason why she could cease contact is if you are too accessible. When we get the number of a woman we are very interested in, a lot of us project our attraction level onto her. Women love men who are mysterious and who’s feelings are unclear.

Some men won’t waste anytime respond to a women’s phone calls or text messages, which is a complete turnoff. She will like the attention for a little while but then she will get bored with you. If you have a life outside of her, you won’t find yourself in this situation.

So remember kings, there could be different reasons on why a woman suddenly stops contacting you. Once you figure out what happened, you should move on with your life like she never existed. If you realized that you was the one that caused this, just take as a learning experience of what not to do.