For us men, being a cold fish definitely affects how we deal with the women that come into are lives after that relationship. For example, I used to be a cold fish once my last relationship ended. I didn’t care about what a women said or how she felt, everything had to go my way. I wouldn’t initiate phone calls or texts messages.
When women used to bring this up to me, I would have a “who cares” attitude about the whole thing. The way I was thinking at that time was I put others happiness ahead of mine, so I told myself I wouldn’t do that again. As I kept being cold, the women in my life started to walk away from me. So I had to learn how to be clear in what I want, but also be open to what she has to say as well.
So remember kings, being a cold fish is something that a lot of us go through. It’s sort of a way to make sure know one can ever take advantage of you again. But if you don’t modify this, you are going to see a lot of women come in and out of your life.