KYWK 101: She Likes Your Attention, But Nothing Else

This is mainly for you single guys because you will be the ones that run into this the most. The women who only likes your attention but nothing else could have multiple reasons to be like this. The first one reason is the most easier one which is her having a boyfriend. There are plenty of women who don’t get the attention they want from their boyfriends, so they try to find a way to makeup for what he is not doing.

So they will find a work boyfriend or a just a guy that she knows is attracted to her and use him. All she wants from you is your non sexual attention because she already has someone for the physical part. To be honest, it’s just another way of saying you are in the friend zone. The second reason is that she just likes to flirt all the time.

You will have women who will compliment you and make sexual advances only to mess with you. A quick way to find out if you are in this position with a women is if she never wants to go out on a date with you. Which is why I tell you guys that you really have to watch what women are doing, because this is very natural to them.

So remember kings, there will be some women out here that will try to use you for your non sexual attention. This is just something that comes with dating and interacting with women. You can’t be mad about it, but you can definitely do something about it.