KYWK 101: She Called After 3 Months Of Silence

Some women will try to go about this in different ways, but ultimately it boils down to this. When this happens, the woman that you was dealing already has met someone else. She will offer friendship to you as a way to not completely tell you that she is moving on. Therefore it makes it easier for her to move on with the new guy and cut you loose completely.

The moment this happens to you, the best move you can make is to go no contact. What this does is make her focus on what the new dude is doing more. While this is going on, you should be out meeting and dating other women. I say this because it’s only a matter time until he messes up, which will cause her to reach back out to you. Now when she does reach out, she is going to act like nothing never happened.

This is why I tell you guys that you should have the mindset of letting women come and go as they please. She is going to try to feel you out to see if you are mad or upset with her. She is also going to ask if you are currently in a relationship. If you are still single, you should proceed with talking with her but make her work for your attention.

So remember kings, some women will reach back out after not hearing from you over a certain period of time. When she reaches back out, just know that she is going to act like nothing ever happened. You shouldn’t bring it up but remember that she is the one who called it quits. That means she needs to work to get your attention if she wants to get her spot back.

One Reply to “KYWK 101: She Called After 3 Months Of Silence”

  1. After three months of no contact from her and she comes running back to me? Nope I don’t think so!🙅🏻I guess it wasn’t working out with her new boo like she was hoping for. Let that dude be her play thing!

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