KYWK 101: Realize Some Women Will Never Be Submissive

But as you go through this process, you will run into certain women who can’t be helped. There will be some women that no matter what you say or do, she will never be submissive. Now there could be multiple reasons why she won’t be submissive. One of those reasons is due to a previous relationship or marriage. She might have been in a situation where she was very submissive to a man, but he took advantage of it.

She was probably very submissive to him, but he treated her like garbage. Another reason why she doesn’t want to be submissive is she doesn’t want to be considered weak. There are women who believe that submitting to a man and letting him run the show is a sign of being weak. That’s why you might run into certain women who always want to argue and tell you what they are not going to do for you.

The last reason I believe some women won’t be submissive is do to pressure from other women. There are women who hate the fact that some women will submit to a man. So you have to pay attention to the circle of friends your woman hangs out with. Because some of those friends might be very bitter and could impact the way your women thinks about submitting to you in your relationship or marriage.

So remember kings, you have to realize that there will be some women who won’t be submissive. Never blame yourself if you can’t get a woman to do what’s naturally in her to do. Like I said above, you need to date as many women as you can to find the best fit for you. No matter how good she looks or how great the sex is, if she isn’t submissive, you don’t want to get serious with her.