KYWK 101: Pay Attention To Women’s Mental Health

This is especially true when it comes to getting serious with a women. I’m sure some you have been told by women that they have trust issues or they have a hard time letting people into their life. And I’m sure you have heard stories from men who go to the bathroom at a woman’s house just to look in her medicine cabinet.

The things that she experienced in her past are always going to come back up in the future. But as the man, you have to be the one to steer her in the direction you want to go. For example, I dated a woman who felt like she was a pushover in her previous relationship. She let so many things slide and wasn’t vocal in that relationship.

She was cheated on multiple times, which killed her self esteem. So once that relationship ended, she told herself that she would never be in that position again. But because she had some much anger and hurt inside, it didn’t take her long to get upset. She would go off the handle on people and even me too. I would just give her the “are you crazy” look all the time, which usually made her stop and thinking about how she was acting.

But what I realize was that her past relationships issues is why she is the way she is. There were plenty of occasions where I had to talk her though some of her episodes to get a clear understanding of why she was so upset. I would see her go through a wide range of emotions from anger to crying then thanking me for talking to her.

Kings, the majority women that you are going to date are going to have some type of mental issues. Some women have a better handle on this than others. Some women will cope with this by drinking wine or alcohol. I know that it’s easy to just dismiss her and call her crazy but it’s not that simple.

So remember kings, a woman’s mental health is something you need to pay close attention to. Like I said above, some women have a handle on this more than others. Also know that you can’t save every woman you get close to. Some women might prove to be too far gone and you will have to move on.