KYWK 101: Over-Pursuing Women Will Lead To Rejection

But when you do this, most women will believe that you are creepy and will stop responding to you all together. For example, it took me until my late 20’s to figure out over-pursuing. The toughest thing I had to overcoming is when she slows down the communication. Here you are thinking that everything is good between you and her.

But all of a sudden, she stops calling and texting. When this happens, most men start to feel like they have to reach out, because now he is doubting where he stands with her. As hard as it may seem at first, you have to fight the urge of calling and texting her. Even though some men still fall victim to this, women also use this to filter out who they label as crazy. Some women will purposely fall back on calling and texting men to see how he is going to react.

That’s why it is important that you remain centered when she does this. I would wait a week to call her if I haven’t heard from her by then. So remember kings, if you start over-pursuing a woman, chance are very high that she is going to end up rejecting you. Just remember that women will test you in multiple ways, so you always have to be prepared for it.

Author: J WILL