KYWK 101: Never Let Her Looks Intimidate You

But for a lot of men, they lose control when a beautiful woman walks into their presence. They start thinking of things to say instead of being the man he usually is. The reason why this is happening is due to him being intimidated by her. Trust and believe me fellas, women can sense when you are intimidated by her.

For example, I’m sure you guys have been in a place or a room when a good looking woman walks in. If you look around the place or room, she probably has the attention of everyone there. You might start to see some guys try to approach her but their not in the right head space because they are intimidated by her looks.

Women that are very good looking are used to the attention from men. Your job is to do the opposite of what the other men there are doing. It shows her that you are not impressed with her looks because you get women like her all the time. Now for some of you, this might not be true but it’s all about the vibe that you give off.

So remember kings, never let her looks intimidated you. You have to act like talking to a beautiful woman is something you are use to doing all the time. The vibe that you give off to her will determine if she is going to take you serious.