KYWK 101: Never Give Her Emotion

But even though it’s a natural thing for them, it’s your job as the man to get her to understand what she is doing. One thing that most guys have trouble with, whether it’s with their girlfriend or wife is not giving her emotion during an argument. What I mean by that is, when your girl gets upset, she needs your emotional energy to feed off of.

Depending on how long you been with your girl, there’s a good possibility that she knows what can get your blood pressure boiling. And if you have a history of going off the handle, she will test your emotion center on a regular basis. Let’s say you come home from work and your girl is already in a bad mood.

Someone or something at work could have pissed her off. But instead of addressing her issues at that time, she decides to bring it home to you. So naturally she is going to find a way to start an argument just because that’s what women do. What you shouldn’t do is give her emotion by arguing back with her.

When she start going off the handle, all you have to do is say your piece and walk away. Even if she follows you into the next room, you just tell her that you said what you needed to say already and that this conversation is over. Once she realizes that you won’t argue with her, now she has to sit there as her emotions eat at her.

After a few hours go by and she has calmed down, she will come to you and try to apologize for her actions. At this point, you shouldn’t be bother by her display and accept her apology. But you also want to use this as a teaching moment to explain to her that she doesn’t have to act like that. Communication is key and if she doesn’t want to act like an adult, you will always shut down the conversation.

So remember kings, no matter how mad a female makes you, giving her no emotional energy is always the right move. Once you are able to control you emotional center, you will start to notice that she won’t test you as much. You start to notice that she will know how to talk to you while keeping her emotions in check.