KYWK 101: Never Be Afraid To Take A Loss

So when the woman that I didn’t want to lose test me, I would fail all the time. But as I got older, I started to realize that you can’t be afraid to take a loss. No matter how much you like her, you have to let her know that she can’t hold you hostage. This goes for you men that are in relationships as well.

For example, you make a woman upset and she threatens to not speak to you again. Most men would try to stop that for happening. Some men when give a woman all types of excuses just so she won’t stop talking to him. But the correct response is too call her out on her bluff.

You have to be indifferent to her feelings because she is just testing you to see how you react. So to do that, you have to make sure that you don’t get emotionally attached. I know that sounds pretty harsh, but trust me, this is the way you have to be.

So remember kings, you can’t be afraid to take a loss when it comes to these women. There will be times where she is going to test if she is replaceable. It’s up to you to show her that you will let her walk if necessary.