KYWK 101: Never Agree To Be Friends With A Woman You Are Interested In

I know some of you try to find different ways to insert yourselves into a woman’s life. One of the different ways some of you guys use to insert yourself is accepting being the woman’s friend even though that’s not what they want. When you agree to be her friend, you will start to notice that you are becoming her therapist.

When she’s had a bad day at work or if someone pissed her off, she is going to call you. You think it’s all good when she calls and texts everyday you until you really find out that you have been friend zoned. The way you start to find that out is when she starts to vent to you about the problems she is having with the men in her life.

For example, when a woman is emotionally invested in a man, she is naturally going to complain about anything he does. So she needs someone to tell her everything will be okay and that particular man she is dealing with is big asshole. But the funny thing about this is that she would have sex with the asshole before she would ever do that with the guy friend so keep that in mind.

So remember kings, you never should agree to be friends with a woman that you are interested in. You will find yourself in a uphill battle to be the man that she eventually wants to date. So if you find yourself in this position with any woman in your life, you need hit the brakes and start over.