KYWK 101: My Ex Still Calls But Says No To Dates

When you are dealing with an ex-girlfriend, some just want to see if what’s new going on in your life. Ex-girlfriends are also trying to see if you are serious with another woman. The first thing I told this guy was to stop asking her out on dates. What he should have done was invite her over to his place. Why? Because now she is in the same grouping with the rest of the women in your life.

She needs to show you that she is worth taking on dates again. Another thing I told him is if she is not willing to meet with him, their conversations need to be short and brief. You don’t have time to chat it up with someone who isn’t interested in seeing you. That time can be allocated towards other women who really want to see you.

So remember kings, you need to set the terms when your ex-girlfriend starts reaching out to you. You should already know that she is going to ask questions about what you have going on in your life. She wants to see if there is another woman who has taken the spot that she used to occupy. If you still want to see her, invite her over to your house first. Don’t start offering her dates when she hasn’t done anything to deserve it.