KYWK 101: Men Are Viewed As Lottery Tickets

But they also want that man to bring stability in their life. Which is why I say that men are viewed as lottery tickets. If you are a man with a good job, good credit, a car, your own place, women are going to put pressure on you. Why? Because you have the ability to elevate her life in a way she never could. Think about a time where a woman you were dating started putting pressure on you to be in a relationship.

If you are already in a relationship, there will be a time where she starts to pressure you about marriage. The reason she is doing this is because she sees the potential in you. She doesn’t want another woman to get the benefits that you are giving her. So it’s natural for her to try to progress things a little quicker than usual.

On top of that, women innately have a clock in their head where they have to pressure for a relationship. They also know that time is not on their side. What I mean by that it most women know that the older they get, the harder it’s going to be to get married. Fellas, just know when a woman does this, you can rest assure that another man has made it known that he wants to be with her. So if you don’t want to be with her, you are a lottery ticket that is no good.

So she will go with that guy who wants her, which she believe is a winning ticket. So remember kings, men are viewed as lottery tickets. That’s why women naturally start to put pressure on you for a relationship or marriage. If you and her don’t workout, she needs to move on as quickly as she can. Remember, time is not on their side, which is why she has to push the envelop more than usual.