KYWK 101: Men Are The Gatekeepers When It Comes To Relationships

We all know that the majority men want sex before committing to a relationship with a woman. They also know that we will do this with a lot of women as well. Which is why I believe that women are the ones that control the sex game. But when it comes to relationships, that power belongs to the men. As men, you shouldn’t agree to anything unless we tested it out first.

Which is why sex is a big deal to us. Women know this and try to make us work for the chance to have sex with her. Women think that getting to know her besides sex builds a bigger bond with men. But what it is really happening is she is auditioning to become your girlfriend. She is thinking that once you have sex, you will want to be with her.

So remember kings, men are the ones who determine if a relationship is going to happen or not. Always remember that women are always going to sell their betterment to you. It’s up to you to determine if she is worth getting in a relationship with.