KYWK 101: Match And Mirror Her Behavior

Women are emotional, so there will be moments where she might not be into you. There will be times where she might pull back and not talk to you for a few days. When this happens, a lot of men feel like they have to do something to make sure everything is good. Some women will do this just to test to see what you will do. This is when you just match and mirror what she is doing.

This is especially true for you guys who are dating a lot of women. Find other things to do while you are not with her. I don’t want you guys to think that this is a tic for tac situation because it’s not. You have to understand that women are going to do what they want when they want. So you have to let her come and go as she pleases. For you guys that are in a relationship, if your woman is not talking to you for days, that means there is a bigger issue you have to deal with.

So remember kings, you always want to match and mirror her behavior. Like I said above, she is not going to be into you all the time. In those moments, don’t think you have to more. To be honest, it’s really better when you do less in these situations.