KYWK 101: Let Women Bring Up Relationship Talks

This is especially true when it comes to dating and relationships with women. As a man, it’s your job to just keep things simple and fun with the women you are dating. For some of you, your interest level might start to skyrocket for one particular woman in your stable. There is nothing wrong with that, but you should never be the first one to ask about getting into a relationship.

It’s better to let the woman do that because it’s the natural way to do things. A woman’s feelings develop slowly over time, but when she gets to the point that she wants you to herself, she will definitely make you aware of it. The key is for you to not get over anxious and start putting pressure on her to be in a relationship with you.

For example, I am 32 years old and never asked a woman to be in a relationship. I learned at a early age that even though I could want to be a relationship with a woman, the feeling might not be mutual at the moment. So I would just take my time with it and not let my feelings get in the way. But after like two or three months of dating, the relationship talks would start to be brought up by her.

So remember kings, it’s always better to let the woman bring up all of the relationship talks. It allows you to setback and keep things simple while her feelings develop for you. Once she gets to that point, she will put the full court press on you to be in a relationship with her.