KYWK 101: It’s Never The Woman’s Fault

What I mean by that is look at what she is doing that frustrates you. Then ask yourself why are you dealing with this in the first place. Most men like to point the finger at what the woman does, but don’t objectively look at himself. When you are dealing with women, you have to understand that they are emotional attention seeking creatures.

Blaming them for the stuff they do is like banging your head against the wall. As a man, if you want happiness, you have to create it. Always look at it from the thought process of she can’t do anything that you aren’t allowing her to do. For example, it’s a known fact that when most men get in relationships or marriages, the sex slows down.

In fact, there are men who might go months or years without having sex while married or in a relationship. The first thing a lot men will do is bitch and complain about what she is not doing instead of taking action. You have to be real with yourself and admit that it’s your fault that sex is not happening.

The reason why is women want to have sex more than us men. So if a man tells men his woman is not having sex with him, I automatically know who’s fault it is. So in order to flip this around, start taking your woman out to place that let’s her see you interact with other woman. Because woman use their body’s to complete with each other, so if other women are interested in you, she will be too.

So remember kings, blaming women for the shortcoming in you relationship or marriage will get you nowhere. You will continue to be frustrated and nothing will never change. If you understand that women can only do what you allow them too, then you will realize that it’s your fault.