KYWK 101: It’s Been 3 Months, Should I Reach Out?

Let’s start with the friends with benefits situation. Most of the time, the women is the one who ends this situation because she now wants a relationship. At the same time, she has another man waiting in the background who has already made his intentions clear that he wants to be with her. If she is the one that ended your situation, you should never reach out to her unless she hits you up first.

Think about it, you already know what she wants from you, so if your not willing to commit to that, you shouldn’t reach out. It’s plenty of women out here that you can deal with. Now let’s move on to if your woman is the one that ended your relationship. If your woman ended the relationship, under no circumstances should you ever reach out to her. You have to look at like this, why would you reach out to someone who doesn’t want to be with you?

You have to commit yourself to the understanding that you might not ever talk to her again. You should be moving on with your life just like she is doing with her new dude. The only time you should reach out is if she reaches out to you first. Now if you are the one who ended the relationship, my question to you is, why are you trying to go back? Whatever made you breakup with her before will still be there. Never back track, always move forward.

So remember kings, it really doesn’t matter how long you haven’t heard from your ex girlfriend. You shouldn’t reach out to her unless she reaches out to you first. You should assume that you will never hear from her again and move on with your life. As for you men who are reconsidering after breaking off the relationship, always remember the reason why you called it off. You will only have yourself to blame if you backtrack and she does the same stuff that made you breakup with her in the first place.

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