KYWK 101: Ignoring Red Flags

So when the red flags do start to show up, it will be smart to not ignore them. As you start to get close with her, she will start to disclose how she was in her previous relationships. For example, let’s say you and her start having a conversation about relationships. During the conversation, she starts to say things like, “I hate when my boyfriend speaks to other women”.

That statement should already make you think that she might be the jealous type, but you need to dig a little deeper. A lot of woman will become instantly jealous if their boyfriend speaks to another woman. What you are trying to see is how far does she take her jealously. If she says she has confronted or causes a big scene with her ex for saying hello to another woman, that is a huge red flag.

There will some men who think, oh she won’t act like that with me or I can make her change. To me, you will be wasting time trying to change someone who isn’t going to change. If she has been like that in all of her relationships, odds are that she will not change.

So remember kings, you should never ignore a woman’s red flags. No matter how much you like or love her, don’t think that you can fix things. It’s just best to realize how toxic she is and move on. You don’t want to be the guy who ignores the red flags then she makes your life a living hell.