KYWK 101: How Women Know You Are Interested

The most obvious one is the moment you walk up to her and start talking. That is the first indication to her that you are interested. She can look into your eyes and know instantly if you like her. She will also pay attention to your body language to see if you like her as well. If you are having a hard to time keep eye contact or your hands are all over the place, she will definitely pick up on that.

This is why you should never hide the fact that you are interested in her. Another way she can tell that you like her is if you go out your way to help her with any issue she has. For example, let’s say a good looking woman is in a room with a lot of people. There’s a great chance that the majority of men in that room will be focused on her.

Let’s say she start to complain a little bit about the temperature in the room being too cold. You will literally see some of those men offering solutions to her just to make her happy. Some men will try to see if they can get the temperature turned up, or offer the jacket off their back for her to wear.

What’s funny about this is that a lot of the time, most men don’t even know that they are showing their interest when they do this. And what they don’t realize is that the guy who isn’t falling all over to help her, he is the one that will gain her attention the most.

So remember kings, women already know when you approach them that you are interested. Which is why you shouldn’t hide your interest and embrace the fact that you are forthcoming with it. We try hard to not show our hands in these situations, but trust and believe that women are already a few steps ahead of us.