KYWK 101: How To Turn A Friend Into A Girlfriend

After making his intentions known to her, she told him that she still only wants to be friends. Since then, he said things have been different and awkward. He doesn’t know what to do, so he reached out to me for my advice. After you have expressed how you want to be more than just friends, you cannot go back to the way things were. In situations like this, the only chance you have with her is by walking away from the friendship.

You have to approach this like you were put into the friend zone. Anytime someone won’t buy what you are selling, you move on to the next customer. When it comes to dealing with women in these types of situations, it’s the same thing. I told him that 6 years is a long time to try and flip the switch on the terms of your friendship. But nevertheless, once you make your intentions known, you have to stand by it.

If you try to go back and be her friend again, you are finished. If she has any true feelings for you, she will question why you want to end the friendship. Now if she doesn’t question anything, then that is a good indicator of how she views you. So remember kings, there is only one way to potentially turn a friend into a girlfriend.

If she still only views you as a friend even though you told her you want more, you have to walk away. Like I said above, if she cares about you, she will question why do you want to end the friendship. If she is okay with you ending things, that should tell you that you will never have a chance with her.