KYWK 101: Forget About The Women You Screwed Up With

It’s the natural thing to do especially when you realize and understand the mistakes that you made with that particular woman. Even though you might want to right your wrongs, the best thing to do is move forward. Sometimes, you might get another chance, but she is going to test every step of the way.

The reason why she is going to test you is because of how you previously acted when you was dating her. If you were super weak and let her run the show, she now wants to see if you are that same guy as before. This is especially true for you guys that are talking to ex girlfriends and ex wives. For example, I was a very weak individual during my 3 year relationship with my ex girlfriend.

After we started talking again after the breakup, she used to test me to see if she could still call the shots. One thing that I realized that if you were weak for a very long time, she is going to test you for an extended period of time. So even though you could be a more confident and assertive man, she still trying to figure out if this is really you or a smokescreen. I will tell you this, if she believes that you are putting up a front, just know that you will be done forever.

So remember kings, we all want that second chance to redeem ourselves with women that we messed up with. Sometimes you might get that opportunity or you might not get that chance at all. At the end of the day, you can use those situations as a lesson of what not to do in the future. The best recourse is just to move forward and enjoy the woman that are currently in your life.