KYWK 101: Fighting Complacency With Women Who Have High Interest

She will call and text you everyday and you find yourself not having to do anything. Women love to chase men that they have high interest in. But as time goes on, women will start questioning if you are really interested in them. Even though you answer her calls and respond to her text messages, she is still going to question you.

The reason why is because she is doing all the pursuing. This is where fighting complacency comes into play. When you find yourself in this situation, there is one thing that I always do. For example, let’s say a woman reaches out to you first for 3 straight days. On day 4, you need to reach out to her first. Rather it’s a phone call or text message, it doesn’t matter.

This will show her that the interest is mutual. And don’t always do the same 2 days every week, you should mixed it up some. If a woman’s interest in you is high, you should already be paying attention to the time that she calls and texts you. Always remember that women love to follow routines.

So remember kings, you have to fight complacency when dealing with women who have high interest in you. It’s so easy to sit back and let her do all the pursuing, but eventually problems will come. You should reach out at least twice a week just so she can feel like the interest is mutual. Once you figure this out, you will rarely have any problems with her.