KYWK 101: Fellas, We Don’t Own These Women

Lately, I have seen to many men acting super emotional over women that they think own. I have seen videos of men fighting and shooting women because he believed he controlled her. There are men literally taking penitentiary chances because they are so upset with the woman who doesn’t want them anymore. Listen, men should always remember that women are going to do what they want when they want.

Never take her word on the things she says, pay attention to her actions. When it comes to women, men have to remember that it’s a numbers game. There is to many women out here for men to acting emotionally stupid over a woman who has moved on. Doesn’t matter if you think you are laying the best pipe game down on her.

You have to understand that sex is not always going to keep her around. Some men have a hard understanding that especially when your an older and dating a younger woman. When it comes to women, it’s all a mental game. You have to let her be free and give her that space to do her.

So remember kings, you have to remember that we don’t own these women. These women can do whatever they want just like you. As men, we have to stop getting so bend out of shape when a women walks away. If you know your worth, you know that she will eventually be back.

One Reply to “KYWK 101: Fellas, We Don’t Own These Women”

  1. This post is nearly identical to the stuff my friends and I were speaking about earlier in the morning during brunch. Vivie Romeo Olcott

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