KYWK 101: Fearful The Attraction May Not Last

When you start wondering if the attraction will last, it feels like you are walking on egg shells. There is a reason why I have stressed to you guys that you have to treat all women the same. Which why I say to you guys that you need to practice your social skills. Because if you don’t, this is the mainframe you can find yourself in.

Now you have ran into a woman who you are very attractive too, but you don’t know how to handle it. Like you start doing stuff that you wouldn’t ordinarily do around women. The worst thing you can do is to start overthinking things when it comes to women. Because now you are second guessing whether or not if you should escalate things on your date.

And the thing is, women can tell when you are trying not to mess up. Like I have said before, attraction cannot be created, only uncovered. So with that being said, the only way things can go sour is if you cause it. She already likes you, so there is no reason to start questioning or overthinking the situation you have with her.

So remember kings, never get in the mindset when you start fearing the attraction won’t last. Always remember that regardless of her looks, she is just a woman. There is no reason to put extra pressure on yourself, just relax and be the man that you are supposed to be.