KYWK 101: Fear Of Loss Destroys Attraction

It’s never a good thing when you find yourself reaching out to a woman everyday. Women don’t want you to chase them, women want to do the chasing. For example, some men fall into this mindset when they schedule a date. Even though the woman has said yes, his mind will start paying tricks on him if he isn’t centered person. He might start to question if she will keep the date, or question if she is only going out with him due to pity.

He might also think that he might arrive for the date and she never shows. These thoughts will make him reach out to her to just confirm that the date is still on, which shows her your fear. But the main reason why some men get to this place is because they put the woman on a pedestal and they don’t believe they deserve her. When you are working with that type of fear, women can sense that and will treat you accordingly.

So remember kings, you have to understand that your fear of loss will destroy the attraction a woman has for you. You can’t worry about things that are out of your control. If you set a date with a woman and she cancels, why should you care? Even the most successful men have had a woman cancel a date, it happens to everyone. Like I said above, if you act like this, women will recognize it and treat you accordingly. When you know that you are the prize, you won’t fear anything because you already know that it’s her loss.