KYWK 101: Don’t Turn Your Woman Into Your Therapist

Because they don’t want to be judged or laughed at by their friends and family. So those men will confide in their women with their problems, but don’t realize how big of a mistake they are making. Listen, women will tell that they want to know about your problems. But trust me when I say that they don’t want to hear your constant complaining all the time. Your woman is looking for you to be someone that she can vent to and express her feeling too.

How can she do that if you are constantly telling her everything that’s going wrong in your life? For example, if I have issues with things that I have going on in my life, I use my friends as outlets. Could they be judging and laughing at me while I’m complaining about my issues? Sure, but that’s something that I really don’t care about. You have to know what you are trying to get out of expressing yourself.

Even if they were to give me advice on whatever I’m having problems with, I will take it in but I’m not looking for that. It’s all about being able to vent and express how I feel. Keeping all that stuff bottled up is not good for your mental health. So remember kings, you should avoid turning your woman into your therapist. Complaining about your problems to her all the time will not be good for your relationship.

Like I said above, women do want to know what’s going on in your life but they don’t want to hear about it all the time. Find you an outlet so you can be able to get the things that are bothering you off your chest. If someone is judging or laughing at you because of what you told them, who cares. You are only using them to vent and that’s all you should care about.