KYWK 101: Don’t Let Women Play On Your Insecurities

Plenty of men have insecurities about their height, weight, sex drive, where they work, etc. Because once a woman finds out that you are insecure about something, she will definitely use it to her advantage. Anytime she feels the need to knock your confidence down some, she will bring up that insecurity. Some women are good at finding out what can trigger you.

This why they will test you at different times to see what you are made of. Especially if she is having a hard time trying to figure you out. Even though I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this but I will anyway. Never tell any woman that you are dating about your insecurities.

If you do, you deserve everything wisecrack and slick comments she gives you. So remember kings, make sure that you have a grasp on your insecurities. Because some women will definitely use it to their advantage. This is also another way to test to see if you are the man she thinks you are.