KYWK 101: Days When She Pulls Back

As you are dating a woman, there will be times where she starts to pull back from you. There could be a couple reasons on why she will start doing this. One reason is that her interest in you has started to drop off some. That means that you have probably started to pursue her more than you should.

Like I have said before, women love to chase which is why you don’t want to be overaggressive. Another is reason that could make her pull back is that she wants to test you. For example, let’s say your routine with her is that she calls you twice a day.

Then one day, she switches things up and doesn’t call you for 3 days. She will do this just to see how you will react to her not calling. What you shouldn’t do is call or text just because she stopped reaching out. You should assume that she is busy and will reach out when her schedule gets clear.

So remember kings, there can be multiple reasons why a woman might pull back from you. The worst thing you can do if this situation was to occur is panic. You should have the mind frame that she might have something going on her life. Once she gets her stuff together, she will reach out.