KYWK 101: Dating Outside Your Comfort Zone

That is what I mean when I bring up dating outside your comfort zone. For example, let’s say you are a lawyer for a small firm. Throughout the process of the cases you are working, you probably will be going back and forth to the courthouse. From going back and forth from the courthouse to the firm, I’m sure you will be running across multiple women.

It’s a known fact that it’s easier to find and date women who you either work with or are nearby because you see them all the time. So you meeting women through your profession is your comfort zone. But let’s say you go out for drinks with your coworkers, and there is a woman at the bar who you are interested in. You should already know that the way you pursue a woman at a bar is different from the ones you meet at work.

This is where you find yourself outside of your comfort zone. I will give you another example with something I had to deal with in my life. I used to be a club guy, meaning that’s where I used to meet most of my women. But as I got older, I wasn’t trying to be in the club everyday. So I had to get out of my comfort zone to meet women other than the club.

Nowadays, I hate going to the club, and my comfort zone in dating is meeting women at different settings. So remember kings, you usually have the best success when dating within your comfort zone. But you should be willing to date outside of it as well. Doing this will help challenge you and open you up to different options and scenarios.