KYWK 101: Dating Labels Are Not Important

You shouldn’t be worried about dating labels, leave that to the women. Like I have said before, when women are ready to put a label on what you guys have, she will let you know. One of the problems I see with men with the labels is they let their attraction dictate the situation. Some men psych themselves out from the very beginning.

For example, I remember doing this back in my early 20’s when I got a woman’s number who I really liked. Before I could even go on the first date with her, I was already thinking about what we could become in the future. I was already thinking about a relationship instead of just letting things play out. Even though she liked me, her attraction levels were not the same as mines.

I hadn’t developed emotional self control at that time, so I was over eager and over pursued. Eventually, I lost her but it was a great learning experience that I needed to go through. This especially happens more when the woman looks so good that you believe that she is out of your league. Because you might believe that, you try hard to lock her down even though she hasn’t gotten to that space with you yet. That’s why it hurts more when you lose someone you thought was out of your league because you were trying to force things.

So remember kings, never start putting labels on the woman or women that you are dating. Like I said earlier, let women bring up the labels and relationship talks. All you want to do is take her out and have a good time with no strings attached. Just go with the flow because when she is ready to change the terms of what you are doing, she will definitely let you know.