KYWK 101: Dare Her To Find Somebody Better

Those women start to believe that they deserve certain treatment without them having to earn it. They also have the attitude and belief that what one man won’t do, another man will. As a man that has his life in order, you don’t have time for women like this. If you know what you bring to the table, why would you put up with this? Listen, they will always be men who come try to talk to your woman all the time, but why should you care?

Most of the time, it’s men who just want to have sex with her. The thing is, women can’t tell the difference between a man who just wants her for sex or if he is genuine into her. You have to look at it from this point of view, is this guy going to offer and change your lifestyle like I did? If you know that the answer is no, why put any energy into what she is doing? Women are always going to act like the grass is greener on the other side but it never is. If she feels like she can do better, let her go try and replace you.

So remember kings, don’t be afraid to dare a woman to find somebody better than you. Women don’t even know how to get what they want in the first place. They never had to develop skills on how to get a man. Most of them are just hoping the right man just walks into their life. Which is why you shouldn’t waste time of energy with what they say. Like I said above, if you know what you bring to the table, this shouldn’t bother you at all.