KYWK 101: Complacency Ruins Attraction

Most men will start to get comfortable and get away from the things that got her attracted in the first place. You have to always remember that the courtship never ends when dealing with women. For example, in my last relationship, I remember not doing the things that got her into me. When we were dating, I used to do the things a man should do when you are courting a woman.

But once we moved in together, I got comfortable thinking I didn’t have to do as much because I had the woman I wanted. I didn’t stay on top of my game and became more focused on making sure the bills were getting paid. Our dating life suffered because of this and we kept going to the same food places over and over again. At the time, I really didn’t know how this affected our relationship until after it was pretty much over.

I realized the more complacent I got her with, the more problems we started to have. So remember kings, you have to fight through getting complacent when it comes to the woman you are dating or in a relationship with. Always remember that the courtship of a woman never ends. The moment that you start to get complacent will be the moment your relationship will start heading down the wrong road.