KYWK 101: Beware Of The Woman Who Self Sabotage

So it’s going to be up to you to show her how she should be in a relationship. But even then, it still might not work because it’s just in her to self sabotage. Usually the women that are trying to be like men by being in their masculine are the main ones who do this. For example, there are women who will get men to fall in love with them, but will rejected them afterwards because of fear.

One big reason for this is that she has always been in bad relationships. So when women go through stuff like this, they will automatically assume that any other relationship she gets in will fail too. That’s why I said that as a man, you have to teach how to be in a good relationship. You have to tell her what she’s doing and then you have to explain why she is doing it.

With you being the leader of the relationship, you cannot show that you are getting frustrated with her. If she starts to see that you are getting frustrated, your relationship will be over. Now there are going to be some women that you cannot save and you have to be cool with it. If you decide to step away, it can’t be a surprise to her. The one thing you have to do is let her know that this is going to happen if she doesn’t get it together.

So remember kings, you need to pay attention to the things your woman is telling about her previous relationships. If all she knows is failure, that is what her mindset is going to be. As long as you can explain and walk her through the things she is doing, you should be able to prevent the self sabotage.