KYWK 101: Beware Of Female Manipulation

Fellas, this is why I tell you to always pay attention to what women say to you. In the tweet above, the manipulation starts when she cries to her boyfriend about her ex. Just the fact that she is crying to you over another man is just blatant disrespect. His response according to her is that he will be a better friend and lover than her ex was.

This was a huge test that she threw at her boyfriend and he failed big time. She is basically making him compete with man who she supposedly has moved on from. She is also telling her boyfriend that she wants him to be more like her ex. Do you see how he is being manipulated? Women have a way of dropping their emotional baggage at a man’s feet and blaming him for the way she feels.

This is her way of letting you know that she wants you to change, but not pushing it like it’s her idea. For example, if a woman knows you love her, she will always use that to her advantage. She could be out dating multiple men, but will still tell you she loves you to keep you hooked on her line. Or she will act concerned about who you are dating but deep down, she really doesn’t care.

It’s all about manipulating you into not giving your attention and time to someone else. So remember kings, you have to be aware when a female is trying to manipulate you. Like I said above, women have a way to be emotional and blame you for it. The way they do is very slick and very natural, which means they all do it. You just have to be on guard and paying attention to what she says to you.