KYWK 101: Being Able To Walk Away Creates Attraction

The test could be so rough that you might have to walk away from her all together. But by doing that, you are letting the woman know that you are indifferent to her. She will feel that energy and you will gain respect from her as well. For example, let’s say a woman that you are dealing with tells you she now has a boyfriend.

But even though she has a boyfriend, she still wants to talk as friends. In this situation, you have to understand that you being friends with her does you no good. Because along with just be friends, she is definitely going to cut off sex as well. The correct thing to do is reject her offer and tell her that is not what you signed up for.

You wish her the best in her relationship and tell her to get in touch with you if it doesn’t work out. By doing this, you are walking away from her but also leaving the door open if her relationship doesn’t work out. If she comes back, she already that friendship is not an option for you.

So remember kings, being able to walk away takes some guts and checking you ego at the door. A lot of men struggle with this, but once you do it once, you will see how easy it is. Anytime a woman changes the agreement of your situation, you should walk away.